会 員 各 位
日 時: 2019年1月11日(金)17:00~18:30
場 所: 共通会議室-2(第2学舎2号館C棟 2F)
Rémy Duthille 氏(Université Bordeaux Montaigne)
“The British people and revolutionary festivals during the French Revolution”
司 会:中澤 信彦 氏(関西大学)
王寺 賢太 氏(京都大学)
松本 哲人 氏(徳島文理大学)
<要 旨>
The Pantheon is a secular mausoleum in the heart of Paris. Since the French Revolution famous figures have been interred there during solemn ceremonies performed by the highest state authorities. This year President Macron presided over the pantheonization of former minister and Auschwitz survivor Simone Veil and he is about to pay homage to the soldiers of World War One. This talk concerns the origins of such celebratory politics during the French Revolution, and its perceptions by British people. Pantheonizations, but also processions and performances during civic festivals in Paris and in the provinces, served to publicize and teach the goals, ambitions and moral principles of the revolutionary administrations. The comments on those shows made by Britons in Paris and at home helps refine our understanding of British reactions to the French Revolution. While historians often focus on the guillotine and the shock of the Terror, there was actually a wide range of reactions French festivals, from derision to scepticism and enthusiasm. Festivals were taken as symbols of the revolutionary process and sometimes of more universal truths about human nature.