会 員 各 位
日時:2022年3月29日(火) 16時00分~18時00分
報告者:Professor Shihan de Silva Jayasuriya, FRAS Visiting Professor (Ritsumeikan University) and Senior Research Fellow (Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London)
タイトル:”African Slavery in Asia across Time and Place”
Abstract: Whilst enslavement was not limited to a single ethnic group, the dispersal of Africans due to involuntary mobilities has had a major impact on the world not only through the productivities of the diasporas in commerce but also in other areas: defence, domestic services and entertainment. Given the proximity of Africa and Asia, whilst free movement of Africans to Asia was an on-going process, forced movement of Africans has gained attention due to its association with the global slave trade. In this paper, I question the rationale for forced movement of Africans to Asia and discusses the important and intimate roles they performed and continue to perform through examples from India and Japan. What do the variety of roles played by Africans in numerous sectors tell us about the space open to them for social mobility? Muted voices of Afrodescendants are heard now through religious and cultural performances in Sufi traditions and also in the chant-like songs of Afro-Sri Lankans accompanied by remembered rhythms. What do the lives of enslaved Africans who achieved high positions in the Indian Ocean World reveal about acculturation? Comparative studies with other experiences of slavery and its afterlife are an essential part in understanding global slavery and the Atlantic World is an obvious starting point which will enhance contemporary debates on alterity, perceived through categorisations such as ethnicity and race.
参加方法:参加を御希望の方は次のアドレスまで御一報下さい。t110028[@]kansai-u.ac.jp ※[ ]を外して送付して下さい。